» » » » Minecraft Weapons + Mods 1.6.4 [Forge]

weaponsPlus 6742230 Minecraft Weapons + Mods 1.6.4 [Forge]
This mod is still extremely early in development.  As of now, the four weapons can only be used in creative mod, not in survival.  Don’t worry this and most other problems will be fixed in the official release. 


vs6n0u4 Minecraft Weapons + Mods 1.6.4 [Forge]

Snow Cannon: Shoots out snowballs, which will cover whatever they hit in snow.  This feature does not work in any biome that doesn’t have rain or snow.

Sag1EaU Minecraft Weapons + Mods 1.6.4 [Forge]
FlamethrowerShoots a beam of fire, igniting everything it touches!
oJpMNnf Minecraft Weapons + Mods 1.6.4 [Forge]
RPG Launcher: This Rocket Propelled Grenade launcher shoot out 3D rendered rockets which explode on impact.  This weapon has a short cooldown before you can fire again.
H1VIzdn Minecraft Weapons + Mods 1.6.4 [Forge]
Laser Gun: This laser gun has 3 modes, Damage, Stun, and Explosive mode.  Each shot is at max power if you hold the charge until the charging sound stops, then fire.  The power of the shot is directly related to how long you hold the charge for.
Download free  Minecraft Weapons + Mods 1.6.4 [Forge]
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Hi there! I am Hung Duy and I am a true enthusiast in the areas of SEO and web design. In my personal life I spend time on photography, mountain climbing, snorkeling and dirt bike riding.
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