javaw 2013 10 28 04 17 26 178 6605315Mods Details Chest Protect 1.6.4/1.7.2
Chest Protect is a protection and griefing deterrent plugin specifically for chests. However this will not only protect your chests but avoid any kind of harm from coming to them. It will do the following:
  • Protect your chests from being broken into
  • Protect your chests from being broken. Period.
  • Will deter griefers from attacking your chests as this will attack them back.


Simplicity is key. So the commands that come with the plugin will be very simple.
  • /protect. If you’re looking at a chest, it will protect it for you.
  • /protectadd which can be used to add a friend to the protection.
  • /protectrem which removes someone from your protection.


If you’re a server owner, you can configure the amount of damage dealt to a suspected theif/griefer by modifying the config file, found in plugins/ChestProtect/config.yml
To protect your chest, simply place it down, if it’s already on the ground, type /protect. Your chest will then become protected. To add friends to the chest, type /protectadd and they will be allowed to access your chest. To remove people from your chest’s protection, type /protectrem and they won’t be allowed to access your chest.


The permissions are as follows:

  • chestprotect.* – You can do everything, you can break and open anyones chests.
  • chestprotect.canbreakprotectedchests – You can break protected chests, but not open them.
  • chestprotect.canopenprotectedchests – You can open protected chests, but not break them.
Chest Protect Installation Guide:
Step 1 :Download Minecraft Forge 
Step 2 :Download mod zip file
Step 3:Put zip file into your /.minecraft/mods folder. Do not unzip it. If you don’t have a mods folder, create one
Step 4:Enjoy it, wish you happy.
Download free Mods Details Chest Protect 1.6.4/1.7.2

About Unknown

Hi there! I am Hung Duy and I am a true enthusiast in the areas of SEO and web design. In my personal life I spend time on photography, mountain climbing, snorkeling and dirt bike riding.
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