1. Initially started as an artistic en-devour, this resource pack has grown and evolved into something much larger. It has no particular theme, but it aims to achieve a slightly more realistic and HD version of the default Minecraft Textures.
  2. Hope you will like it

  1. Category : Minecraft Texture Packs
  2. Resolution: 32×32
  3. The developer:  agog27
  4. VersionMinecraft 1.7.2
Images taken from the screen:
1463003 695204033837954 1601763683 n3Texture Pack CarbonPack 1.7.2
Download free Texture Pack CarbonPack 1.7.2

About Unknown

Hi there! I am Hung Duy and I am a true enthusiast in the areas of SEO and web design. In my personal life I spend time on photography, mountain climbing, snorkeling and dirt bike riding.
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